ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!
That's all I could think of this last weekend. Well, it was the first holiday weekend of summer here in the USA, and I did just win the automotive challenge (A HUGE Thank You to everyone who voted for me) And I was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, surrounded by boats on trailers for more than a few could I NOT think of a road trip?
I remember road trips with the family.....with no A/C, a back seat that was no where near big enough for my and that squirmy kid my parents swore was my brother. Trips with my girlfriends, cruising the North Shore in my old convertible. Spontaneous trips that started on a whim and lasted 2 weeks without a map. Trips to see "The Sights" that took a year to plan, and somehow were really boring.
How 'bout you? What is your favorite memory of a road trip? Or maybe that disaster trip? What would you make to commemorate it?
An old-school charm bracelet? A permanent postcard for the fridge? A replica of the cocktail umbrella from that amazing bar? A tiny spoon collection? A fence to separate the kids in the back seat? You pick....but be sure to tell us the story!!
Entries are due by Midnight on July 13th...the voting will start on the morning of the 14th.
Post your photos and story to the FLICK POOL and make sure to TAG it "ROAD TRIP CHALLENGE"
Official Team Challenge Rules….
To enter and vote you must meet the following requirements:
- Have an Etsy shop
- Be a member of the Aspiring Metalsmith team on Etsy
- Be able to post your photos to our Flickr pool without blocking them from download, so the blog master has access.
- Follow each challenge’s rules as to submission times, materials and/or techniques, or any other rule for that specific challenge.
- Make something NEW for the challenge….not something that you have in stock that fits the rules. These challenges are to push you to try new things, not just show off things you’ve already done.
We politely ask that if you do not meet these guidelines you do not vote either. These challenges are intended to be an internal, skill-pushing endeavor….not a popularity contest. We like to show off how well we’ve done, but really want our peers on the team to judge our technique and skill growth.